More people are focused on exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many who already had a regular exercise routines saw them disrupted and had to shift to new ones. Others, with sedentary lifestyles, picked-up new exercises in pursuit of better health. Keep in mind, if you’re trying something new or giving your body more exercise than usual, there’s an increased risk of injury. Palm Beach Spine & Diagnostic Institute is a strong proponent of exercise, but encourage you to take a safe approach to your new exercise routine.
Exercise is a critical component of good health. Regular exercise helps strengthen muscles, keeps joints flexible, maintains good cardiovascular health, can reduce high cholesterol & high blood pressure and improve overall immune strength. Exercise and physical fitness reduces stress and improves mental acuity and well-being. While we encourage exercise as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, it’s important to take a few precautions to make sure your effort toward better health doesn’t result in a painful sports injury.
Here are some tips on avoiding injuries while staying fit:
- Pick the right activity for you
- Learn how to correctly perform the physical activity
- Get proper instruction when necessary
- Learn what are the common injuries of the activity and how to avoid those injuries
- Use proper equipment and keep the equipment in good condition
- Warm up and stretch before any sport or fitness activity
- Gradually increase the time and intensity of the activity
- Don’t over-do it
- If injured – do not procrastinate get appropriate evaluation and treatment.
Even with these steps, you can’t reduce your risk of sports injuries down to 0%. If you or a loved one is experiencing some type of sports injury, check out some related videos below, visit our Sports Injuries page for more information, or contact us for more help.
Sports Injury Videos
Doctor Gorfine gives an overview of sports injuries.
Watch Dr. Lawrence Gorfine on the Ask the Experts radio show discuss all the details of sports injuries.